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Parents compliance to perform the voiding cystourethrogram test after urinary tract infection


Parents compliance to perform the voiding cystourethrogram test after urinary tract infection

The stated purpose of this study was to examine parents’ compliance to perform VCUG test after hospitalization due to UTI and factors affecting their decision.

  • “Overall, 52%of the children didn’t perform the VCUG because of concern about exposure to radiation (55%), fear and distress from pain during the test (43%), fear of irreversible damage to the urinary tract (40%), lack of relevant information (35%), and the primary pediatrician’s recommendation to postpone the test.”

  • “The remaining 48% conducted the test because of the hospital doctor’s recommendation (94%), primary pediatrician recommendation (94%), and because of the desire to terminate prophylactic treatment (64%).”

  • “There is a significant correlation between the doctors’ recommendation and the extent and clarity of their explanation to the parents’ understanding of the importance of the test, to the parents’ satisfaction from the explanation and to the compliance to perform the test.”

  • “Conclusion: There is a need to improve the doctors’ explanation regarding the performance of VCUG test post UTI.”

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