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An Unsilenced Survivor Story

"The pain continues to intensify and you attempt to fight back, trying to kick and flail your arms... only you can't. You're strapped down to a table and you're completely defenceless as the man continues to violate you. The right to your own autonomy means nothing in this moment."

Imagine this: you're 4 years old and are forced to take all your clothes off. You're then brought into a room and are strapped down to a table with your legs held open as a man stands overtop of you and begins to shove something up inside your private area. You're not sure what it is, but it burns like hell, you feel as though you're being stabbed down there with a knife. You know nobody should be touching you down there for any reason, because you've been taught from a young age that your private parts are yours and not for anyone else to touch. So why is this man touching me? Why is he hurting me? You begin to scream at the top of your lungs: "Stop doing this to me!" over and over again, only for your cries to be ignored. The pain continues to intensify and you attempt to fight back, trying to kick and flail your arms... only you can't. You're strapped down to a table and you're completely defenceless as the man continues to violate you. The right to your own autonomy means nothing in this moment. For paediatric VCUG patients this story is all too familiar. My name is Cassie, and I underwent this horrific procedure at the tender age of 4. The psychological effects of this procedure are long-lasting. As a now 22 year old, I struggle to form close relationships with any potential significant other. I am absolutely terrified of being intimate with anyone. I have never had a pap smear, never been to a gynaecologist and try to avoid going to the doctor at all costs. Anytime I enter a doctor's office or hospital I am immediately reminded of the trauma. VCUG's should be banned. It is invasive, humiliating, traumatic, and paediatric VCUG patients have been used as proxies in child sexual abuse cases since the 1990s. Studies have shown that many children interpret this test as a violent rape. So why are parents not being informed? Why are doctors failing to mention these risks, not to mention the years of therapy that will be needed after undergoing this violating procedure. I hope and I pray that one day this procedure is banned worldwide. I hope no other child ever endures the immense physical and psychological pain that many VCUG patients have gone through. The medical system has failed so many children when it comes to this. Medical professionals NEED to be held accountable. If you're reading this and have gone through this I see you, I hear you, and you're not alone.
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